April 30, 2019

Learning about Family Violence

Learning about family violence

In January, 2013, I took a two day course, Family Violence Screening for Dispute Resolution Professionals, to enhance my ability to recognize and deal with family violence in the context of family law cases. This course was beneficial for Kitsilano Family Law, especially in regards to British Columbia's new Family Law Act, which came into force in March, 2013. It has focused on the need for family law professionals to increase their awareness of this problem and develop skills and techniques for keeping family members safe, defusing and reducing tensions that could lead to violence in the family context, and bringing cases to a satisfactory resolution in spite of concerns about violence. The course, sponsored by the Continuing Legal Education Society, was designed to provide increased knowledge of the complex problem of family violence, and featured roleplays to assist the professionals in learning how to deal with the various situations in which family violence might be a factor.


Read more from Kitsilano Family Law’s blog — The Brief.

Queer Separation in British Columbia
June 26, 2024

Under British Columbia’s Family Law Act (“FLA”) (and the Divorce Act), Queer couples enjoy the same legal rights as heterosexual couples. This means that the processes for separation, including obtaining orders or agreements on parenting arrangements, child support, spousal support, property division, and divorce, are the same for all families in British Columbia. 

Pets under the Family Law Act
June 12, 2024

On January 24, 2024, amendments (changes) were made to the Family Law Act (FLA) to reflect the long-held sentiment that pets are members of the family. It is no wonder why animals can become part of the dispute during a separation; the prospect of a person being separated from their pet can cause fear and distress for individuals.

Red Dress Day
May 8, 2024

On May 5, 2024, BC observed Red Dress Day in honour of the Murdered Missing Indigenous Women (“MMIW”) also referred to by many as “Stolen Sisters”. For many, this day of observance can be painful for loved ones of a Stolen Sister as many of these cases (reported and unreported) are left without answers.

Hear for you
At Kitsilano Family Law, our approach is informed by listening. We can provide guidance on your family law situation during an initial consultation. For new family law matters, we offer an initial 1-hour consultation at 200 cad plus taxes (or 100 cad plus taxes for half an hour). For ongoing family law matters and independent legal advice, consultations are charged at lawyers' hourly rates. Contact us to learn about your options.
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